Sunday, January 6, 2013

Student Learning Objectives

Since we are halfway through the school year, I would like to take a minute to remind you of the purpose and intent of the “From B106” emails.  Let me state it clearly: These are not required reading.  My intention is for them to be helpful, entertaining, useful, and perhaps at times inspirational.  If they are not, or if you are feeling swamped with email and/or other work, please feel free to hit the delete button.  I in no way want to add to your work load.

If you ever want to review one of the “From B106” entries for some reason, especially those dealing with the Teacher Evaluation Rubric, you can find them at this link:

This week’s entry focuses on two important dates in January.
  •  January 14: This is the date for you to have your Class Student Learning Objective data recorded in the Standard for Success program.  You should have finished the assessment process by this time, so your task is to log in to SFS, find the link to your CLO, and enter the information about the numbers of High, Medium, and Low students who reached the Content Mastery Score.  If you have special circumstances, need help recording the data, or have any other questions, please contact your primary evaluator to work out the details. 
  • January 19: This is the date for you to have your Targeted Student Learning Objective Pre-Work recorded in SFS.  Remember that the TLO does not need to “target” all students or all standards, and the time-frame can be less than the full semester.  If you need some reminders about the TLO, the PowerPoint from our late arrival in November which focused on the Targeted Student Learning Objective is posted on the HSEHS Intranet at this link: http://intranet/sites/HHS/HSEHS%20RISE/Forms/AllItems.aspx  Please contact your primary evaluator if you need help in this process.  During our January 16 late arrival, we will spend part of the time making sure you know how and where to enter the TLO information, and we will talk about uploading artifacts, especially for Domain One of the Teacher Effectiveness Rubric.  You will, however, need to start identifying the target students and standard(s) before this date.

I would like to end where I began, by taking a minute, this time to say thanks to all of you for all you do for our students at Hamilton Southeastern High School.  You are an amazing group of educators, and I consider it a gift and a blessing to work with you.  I look forward to this coming semester and to the coming years as we continue our journey.

Welcome back, Southeastern!


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